What is an Ayurvedic approach?
The traditional path to leading a healthy lifestyle ultimately arrives at the discovery of finding a blissful balance between the mind and the body.
How Does Consultation Work?
Essentially, consultation consists of following a mind-body specific approach, that involves an in-depth analysis of the routines, habits, and unique body type of an individual. Through an initial free consultation, we are able to then provide a customised approach based on your Ayurvedic dosha type.
What Areas I Can Help With?
While Ayurveda is a fairly expansive field, once you set off on the journey of discovering what works for you and what doesn’t, there’s no doubt you’ll be surprised with the positive outcomes.

Unique Therapy Courses

Distinctively designed to help reverse your PCOD through a dosha-based diet, and workout rituals tailored to your unique body type, along with specially customised herbal tea recipes to improve hormonal balance.

Designed to restore the balance in the digestive system, through an array of simple dietary changes and physical activities to add to your routine, to diminish constant indigestion, gastric trouble, bloating and heartburn.

Curated on a strong foundation of Ayurvedic principles, that work on cleansing your body through simple diet modifications, physical exercise, and a guidance on herbs and Ayurvedic medicines for a natural weight loss.
Type of Consulations
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Hair Fall
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Hair Growth
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Skin Problem
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Appetite Improvement
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Sleep Problem
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Stress & Anxiety Correction
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Immunity Building
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Bowel Problems
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Improving Energy Level
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